Hurt Feelings

 being a law Librarian means that we are often called upon to do things that we really don Hurt Feelings
Like any career, being a law Librarian means that we are often called upon to do things that we really don't like doing. One of those things is having to listen to people who don't have a lawsuit, knowing that they don't have a lawsuit, and not being able to say to them, "YOU REALLY DON'T HAVE LAWSUIT!"

This brings us to the guy who got mad because someone tried to kick him out of his local social club. Guy got miffed because a fellow member tried to kick guy out of the club over an event that occurred outside of a club meeting. OK, never a good thing to bag on someone, but what is done is done, right?  

Well, maybe not so much done since guy went and filed a defamation action against the other guy. Years drag on and on and finally the case is ready to go to trial.  Guy insists that that he has a case and chews on my ear for hours and hours until I've had my fill and say, "ENOUGH! Hurt feelings do not (or should not) a lawsuit make.  Just because you have hurt feelings, that isn't enough to justify the cost of a lawsuit." Good thing I wasn't talking to the Hatfields or McCoys.

Turns out, in California, Civil Jury Instruction 1702 says that having hurt feelings can win you damages in a defamation case.  Sad that.  I mean, what with all the litigation flying around, you'd think someone would at least insist on you having some physical monetary reasons to file a lawsuit other that hurt feelings.  Anyway, guy feels justified that he will be vindicated.

Personally, it matters not to me what happens because I'm not the one being sued and I'm not here to give legal advice (which, I suspect, he was looking for). Only thing I care about is not having to listen to listen to how right guy is. Even if he is, guy is not right, this lawsuit is a waste of judicial time and money and and I'm really done hearing about it. Really, really!

Anyway, this ends today's rant.


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