Well, That's Embarrassing!
So, barreling down the road on my way to work this morning, I happened to glance to my right and I see this young woman tugging on a very, very short skirt whilst attempted to put money in a parking meter. I'm thinking...if you're embarrassed that you don't have enough material to hide your bare legs (and near-bare bottom), you might want to consider wearing a longer dress. I'm just sayin. Of course, this brought to mind an embarrassing situation involving a young attorney who came in our library a while back. Seems Young Attorney was preparing to file a complaint in Superior Court. Simple enough. Prepare the complaint , the civil case cover sheet , proof of service , that sort of thing. Of course, I tried to tell Young Attorney about the three things he needed but being young AND an attorney, he kinda didn't have any patience to listen to an omnipotent law Librarian. So, the FIRST time Young Attorney went to t...