
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2019

Well, That's Embarrassing!

So, barreling down the road on my way to work this morning, I happened to glance to my right and I see this young woman tugging on a very,  very  short skirt whilst attempted to put money in a parking meter.  I'm thinking...if you're embarrassed that you don't have enough material to hide your bare legs (and near-bare bottom), you might want to consider wearing a longer dress.   I'm just sayin. Of course, this brought to mind an embarrassing situation involving a young attorney who came in our library a while back.  Seems Young Attorney was preparing to file a complaint in Superior Court.   Simple enough.  Prepare the complaint , the civil case cover sheet , proof of service , that sort of thing. Of course, I tried to tell Young Attorney about the three things he needed but being young AND an attorney, he kinda didn't have any patience to listen to an omnipotent law Librarian. So, the FIRST time Young Attorney went to t...

Hurt Feelings

Like any career, being a law Librarian means that we are often called upon to do things that we really don't like doing. One of those things is having to listen to people who don't have a lawsuit, knowing that they don't have a lawsuit, and not being able to say to them, "YOU REALLY DON'T HAVE LAWSUIT!" This brings us to the guy who got mad because someone tried to kick him out of his local social club. Guy got miffed because a fellow member tried to kick guy out of the club over an event that occurred outside of a club meeting. OK, never a good thing to bag on someone, but what is done is done, right?   Well, maybe not so much done since guy went and filed a defamation action against the other guy. Years drag on and on and finally the case is ready to go to trial.  Guy insists that that he has a case and chews on my ear for hours and hours until I've had my fill and say, "ENOUGH! Hurt feelings do not (or should not) a lawsuit make.  Just be...

He's Gonna Blow!

You may not know this about me but I teach legal research classes to/for the public.  Really dig it, I do.  What I really like is working with people who are hungry for information. I can work with people like that.  What I can't deal with is whiners who complain that legal research is too hard. Thing is, the first time you do anything it's hard.   Nothing new, there. Take, for example, the Beatnik (a real hip and happening dude) who came into the law library the other day. Beatnik starts with the world is out to get him and how he doesn't know anything about legal research and would someone just do the work for him?! My answer(s) to him: Yes, it is, that's probably true, and no, I won't.   What I will do is help you out along the way.  Turns out Beatnik is fighting with his neighbor.  Seems neighbor has chickens that squawk at all hours of the day and the rooster starts sounding off around 3AM.   No amount of pleading will get neig...

Word Of The Month For January 2019: Corruption

It's that time again - time to come up with some new year's resolutions that will, undoubtedly, be broken by the end the of month (if not sooner).   I know, I know - that's pretty pessimistic but when the average is at 64% of persons who break their resolutions by the first month, I'd say I'm OK with that prediction. So when you make up your resolutions, what do you typically resolve to (or not to) do?  Over eat?  Lose weight?  Get up earlier?  Exercise?  Make more money?  Not steal money from your constituents' pockets?   You know, it's funny about this last one given that there are a whole lot of politicians who think they're above the law.  Of course, this brings us to our word of the month:  CORRUPTION .   According to Black's Law Dictionary , CORRUPTION means: Depravity, perversion, or taint; an impairment of integrity, virtue, or watak principle; esp., the impairment of a public official's duties ...