Work, Work, Work, Work!

Do you remember your first real job. I'm not talking babysitting or mowing the neighbor's lawn or even selling lemonade at the corner. Nope, I'm talking about doing the 9-5 grind, having to deal with onerous co-workers and/or bosses, endless meetings, and all those hours of sweet overtime. Yeah, I remember the days when I used to get overtime back when I drove a stake-bed truck for Goodyear. I remember driving all around Los Angeles and Orange Counties 15 hours a day, six days a week. While my hourly wasn't all that great, I made an absolute killing on overtime. Those were the days. I suspect though, what with all the stories of employers stealing wages from their employees , there are a whole lot of people who don't benefit all that much from overtime. Take, for instance the young lady who came in the other day. Seems a iron-worker by trade, young lady claimed that her employer had stiffed her for h...