This Might Shock You

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? I'll bet that nosey neighbor across the street does. Dang but don't you hate nosey neighbors? They've got that holier than thou attitude; that I'm going to tattle on you and spoil your fun arrogance that roils everyone. I know just the type. A buddy of mine lived in a neighborhood with a spinster of a nosey neighbor. She recorded when people came and went; what car they drove; what they wore; who they talked to. Really, over the top. Everyone hated her. At least, everyone did hate her until that one time her nosy-ness actually paid off for everyone. So, as the story goes, a new couple moved into the neighborhood. Guy was in his mid-30's and lady was about the same age. Nice looking couple. People you'd want living next to you. Because they never talked to nosey neightbor, she immediately got suspicious and started recording everything the did. See, I kn...