Things To Do Today

How many out in blogland love to procrastinate? Well, maybe you don't love to procrastinate but you do it anyway, right? Like holiday shopping, or buying the wife an anniversary gift, or waiting until 3:00AM to do your homework, or making that dentist/doctor appointment, or updating a will/trust. It was because of that last one (updating a trust) that compelled a couple to come into my library the other day. Seems once upon a time Dad had prepared a trust. Spent thousands of dollars on it, he did. Then one day, Dad died. The way the couple told it, Dad was meticulous. Dad had planned for everything. Every piece of property was accounted for, every penny was identified, everything was planned down to the finest detail. Problem was, while everything was carefully examined, "someone" had failed to fund Dad's trust . Not a single asset had been transferred to Dad's trust before he died. Big OOPS! S...