Unreasonable Expectations
When I was a kid, my folks would often say things that really didn't make sense to me (as a kid) but make sense now that I'm an older kid. Things like: A penny for your thoughts Back to the drawing board Don't count your chickens before they're hatched Don't put all your eggs in one basket He can't cut the mustard He missed the boat He's in the catbird seat It takes two to tango She's being the devil's advocate Take it with a grain of salt That's a blessing in disguise That's going to cost an arm and a leg That's the best thing since sliced bread That's the last straw The ball is in your court You can't judge a book by its cover You hit the nail on the head Your eyes are bigger than your stomach Your guess is as good as mine You're barking up the wrong tree In fact, I had a person say to me just the other day that my eyes were bigger than my stomach and it got me thinking about an attorney w...