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In 2004, I was hired as a Librarian. At the time, I was informed that I had the option (pay attention to that word "option;" it will come back to haunt you, later) to join the union. I chose not to join. Three years ago (so, eleven years after I was hired), SEIU came knocking on my employers' door and informed us that we were required to be union members; that we never actually had the option not to join. You WILL be a union member and you WILL pay union dues. I don't like being compelled to do things so I really did not want to join. What bothered me most was the heavy handed tactics employed by the union. As Justice Alito noted in the majority opinion: The plaintiff argues that he is not a free rider on a bus headed for a destination that he wishes to reach but is more like a person shanghaied for an unwanted voyage. ...and that's exactly what it felt like. Union comes in and starts pushing everyone around. You will do this;...