That's Bully As In Thug

In today's news is a post about a student hitting another student with a chair in a class room . What is interesting is that earlier today, I had a couple come into the library. Seems they have a kid in elementary school who came home most every day with bruises. Of course, school "administrators" kept saying nothing was wrong and that their kid was just accident prone. Seems that argument fell out the window when, two days prior, they got a call from the school that their kid was being taken to the hospital. They learned, at the hospital, that all those bruises had been caused by a kid who had taken to beating their kid because it was "fun." Their kid was now in the hospital with a concussion, among other things. Parents are frothing at the mouth and are seeking vengeance against school district. Who can blame them? I know I'd be pissed seven ways from Sunday if anyone took to beating on my kid. And what about the school "administ...