Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
I'm not paranoid. Really, I'm not. I just get skittish when government "officials" say there is nothing to worry about. Really?! If there is one group of people of whom you should be afraid, it is government "officials" who say there is nothing to be afraid of. Don't believe me? Remember back when Edward Snowden distributed all that information during the Obama Administration? Shortly after that revelation, POTUS Obama stated that , American's shouldn't be too worried about these disclosures because all three branches of government had blessed the programs and activities that were being disclosed. While that was a true statement, what was important to note is that what Obama was actually saying is that every branch of government was in on the fix . The SCOTUS, the POTUS, and both houses of the federal legislature knew that the U.S. Constitution was being used as toilet paper to collect information on we the people - and the fed...